Kayce Gorman
At the age of 6, I was inspired by Denise Austin's Workout Videos and studied her every move. I learned a lot from her attitude towards fitness and educated myself on how to become better mentally and physically. Her workout series revealed that there is consistency in your fitness routine and a positive attitude will come a positive change. She helped me create foundation to carry on into my exercise routine.
As a teenager, I was extremely athletic and took part in competitive gymnastics, hip hop/modern dance, and was a varsity sprinter. These experiences have allowed me incorporate my passion into my career.
As for my career, I love my job! Fortunately, it has been an honor to display my work through my passion of fitness making these hard times simplistic. I create an environment within my gym where my clients can reach their fitness goals making it a motivating environment. My enthusiasm, passion, love of people in combination with my love of fitness helps me to help others obtain what is perceived as the unattainable in their mind to be physically fit and that energy motivates me!!
I am now a National Level Fitness Competitor who has placed in the NPC Miles Productions Arizona National Qualifying Shows. The Miles Productions organization has created a phenomenal show that has a way of capturing exactly what goes into bodybuilding and fitness when it comes to training, hard work, and dedication of each and every one of their athletes. It has been an honor to be able to compete in the Miles Production shows and a honor to be able to share this experience with everyone around me.