Liorah Curtis
Instagram: @fit_momLC
Face book fit journey page: www.facebook.com/groups/Fitmom2/
Snap chat: Fitlc
History: Miles Production Natural Western March 2014, North American Nationals September 2015
My journey:
7 and a one half years ago I had twins. I really struggled getting the pregnancy weight off. I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy. I started running a lot, doing a ton of cardio, and eating what I thought was healthy. I ran a few half marathons. Basically became a cardio bunny. However I still was not seeing the results I wanted. I began working out at the gym a few days a week. I still had my little belly and could not get the muffin top to go away. My legs were still fluffy and thick. So I tried something else. I started doing P90x with my husband 6 days a week. I still wasn’t losing weight. I started to settle and told myself this was it. Being older and a mom, this was as good as it was going to get. I started to buy into genetics and that moms don’t get abs. I was unhappy and very uncomfortable with how I looked.
I then watched a friend get into competing and transform her whole body. She was a mom also and really inspired me. She had the body I so desperately wanted. I found out from her that I needed to hire a personal trainer. I finally through much debate to the leap, and a hire a trainer. I was nervous though…I am a mom of two little kiddos. I work a full time job and I am married how was I going to balance all this? I decided that I at the least had to give it a try.
I started training in December of 2013 with my Personal Trainer Artie at AZ Pro.
After training with him a few weeks. I set a very ambitious goal to compete in a NPC Bikini competition. I wanted to fight genetics. We set a goal for me to compete in March of 2014. I worked hard every day, eating clean and training 6 days a week. I stepped on stage in March of 2014 and competed in the Miles Production Natural Western. I had a blast on stage. I was shockingly surprised to place second in JR masters, and that I was now Nationally Qualified.
At this show I inspired my husband to compete. Watching him work towards stepping on stage was truly amazing. He competed in September of 2014 at the Miles Desert Storm. He placed 3rd in Masters Mens Physique.
Then the journey continued. I had a ton of work to do to get prepared to step on a national stage. I worked hard for over a year to finally get to compete again. That was such a hard year. There were job changes for both my husband and I. There were internal battles and self doubt during my improvement season. The struggle of balancing working full time, and being a mom came back. Through the sweat, tears, workouts at 4 am at times, and wanting to quit many times. I pushed through grasping on to something I could not yet see. A goal that I was not sure I would ever reach. I finally went into a 22 week prep for nationals after all the road blocks, and all the struggles. I am thankful for the journey I just went through. The struggles I overcame showed me strength I did not think I had.
I competed in Pittsburgh PA September 2015 at the North American Nationals show. Now talk about blowing your own mind. I never thought I would make it. The one thing I told myself before I did this show was I wanted to earn being on that national stage. I did just that. The show was really awesome. My husband and I are working now to compete together in March 2016 at the Miles Natural Western. We are really excited. We love competing in Miles shows. Miles and Kim are such warm hearted, genuine people. They really care about us as competitors and making sure we have a great experience at their shows. They are always smiling and laughing with us back stage. Miles and the team really make sure you and your families have a great experience.
Competing and fitness for me is not just the physical changes. I have completely changed the kind of person I am. I changed my mindset and internally how things affect me. That to me is huge. I used to let others dictate my life. Now I grabbed the pen and I am in charge of writing my life story. I am showing my kids how to challenge fears, and to push through struggles. I am showing my kids as well as myself how many amazing things I am capable of, if I put my mind to it. If you are willing to work for it, you can do anything you imagine. Turing dreams into reality. I just want to inspire others, especially us moms that working out and living a healthy lifestyle are not selfish. Getting healthy and staying fit shows our kids how important it is to take time everyday to care for ourselves. Even though we are moms and we work, that we too can accomplish incredible goals. Life is short, so why not make those someday goals a reality.