Marcelina Rivera Chambers
Category you compete in: Figure/Physique
Date of birth: July 18
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona
Facebook: facebook.com/mrsfigureesquire
Instagram: instagram.com/prdmome
Career: Attorney
Nutrishop Paradise Valley Sponsored Athlete
My story:
I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. I was never much in to sports until high school when I became a cheerleader. That is where my passion for fitness really took off. I was on the cheerleading team through my entire high school career so hitting the gym was a daily routine. I went to undergraduate school at the University of Arizona for my first two years. I didn't participate in sports at that time but I did my best to stay fit. I then got married in 2001 and moved to Alabama where I earned by Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Safety and Human Justice. We then returned to Tucson in 2005 when I had my first daughter, Renatta, who is 8 years old. When she was 15 months old I began attending the James E. Rogers College of Law. I became friends with a girl during law school who inspired me to get back in to the gym post baby and it was the best choice I could have made. I continued to stay in the gym to maintain my physique while in law school. This also helped with the stress of juggling school and motherhood. During my final and third year of law school I had our second daughter, Sariah, who is 4 years old. I graduated in 2010 and earned my Juris Doctor Degree from the James E. Rogers College of Law. I am a full time attorney licensed in the State of Arizona.
After becoming accustomed to life as a wife, mother and attorney I finally decided to join a gym to start working out during lunch rather than spending money ON lunch. I hired a personal trainer who randomly mentioned a competition he had attended the weekend prior. He stated that if I had ever decided to compete he felt I'd be successful. Up until that point I knew nothing about the sport. I researched it and in March 2013 I decided to begin training for my first figure competition. I competed in August 2013 where I placed first in Figure Novice/Open/Short and won Figure Overall. I recently competed in my first NPC Miles Productions competition, the Arizona Open, and I am now a National level Figure Competitor.
Now as a mother and competitor I strive to inspire my daughters and other women, especially working mothers, to find happiness and strength within themselves. If that means staying fit and hitting the gym then so be it, if that means being an entrepreneur, then so be it. It all comes down to the fact that each and every woman on this earth is strong and powerful, we each have the ability to create a positive change in this universe just by being who we were created to be. I want my daughters to see that I compete for myself because it makes me happy. I want them to know that I had a dream and followed through with it and they too, should follow their dreams. We must all understand that the desire to follow our dreams comes from within ourselves.
The personal touch that Miles and Kim give to competitors is second to none. I had to obtain my NPC card prior to the date of the competition and Miles was nice enough to allow me to meet him personally to get the card. Following the competition I received a personal phone call from Kim, just touching base to ensure that myself and my family and friends all enjoyed the show, which of course we did! If I ever have any questions, Miles will either respond by phone or email in a timely fashion. I never could have imagined that promoters would be so personable and friendly so working with Miles and participating in his show was refreshing. Thank you!