Tiffany Servatius
Instagram: @TiffanyDawn_Fitness
Twitter: @Tdservatius
Competition History:
Dennis James Classic 2015 - 5th place Bikini Novice B, 5th place Bikini Open D
NPC Terminator 2015 - 1st place Bikini Novice B, 1st place Bikini Open B, Won the Bikini Overall :)
AZ Open 2015 - 2nd place
USA Championships 2015 - 16th place
Europa 2015 - 2nd place
"My name is Tiffany Servatius, and I was born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ. I am a very outdoorsy and athletic individual. If it involves saying fit or a crazy adventure ... you can count me in! I have always wanted to try everything ... even if it is only once. I have done dance, soccer, tennis, piano, band, track, riding quads, college, skydiving, and many other activities. I have ridden quads since I was 8 years old and still continue to do so. I had never ridden a dirt bike before so recently my boyfriend went and got one for me and taught me how to ride it. Like I said, I have to try everything!
In all my activities, I found that competitive dance and track were of greatest interest. I stuck with these sports throughout middle school and high school, then chose academics when I hit college. At that point, I still worked out to stay in shape and to maintain my stress. After I graduated with my Bachelors degree in Psychology, I immediately stepped into graduate school a month later. I always had competing in the back of my mind and admired a few friends who were always posting on social media about their competitions. However, when I put my mind and body into something, I want to have my full focus on it. This is why I continued to focus on graduate school and got my Master's degree last November 2015 before I started my competition prep. I graduated with a Master in Business Administration and Masters in Human Resource Management. I started a new job as an HR Manager and decided to take a mental break for a few months before starting competition prep to make sure I could fully focus on my career.
I did a lot of research about what it takes to compete and did a lot of thinking to make sure my mind was 100 percent prepared. Finally in April 2015 I signed up at PT by Joe to begin my journey. Originally I was going to do a 12 week program before competing and have my first competition in July 2015. However, after about 2 weeks of dieting my body transformed quickly and Joe suggested I do a show 6 weeks earlier for some practice. I love a good challenge so I said "sure why not." I used this first competition as a learning experience and to get a feel for what it is like being on stage. After my first show I watched videos of myself and analyzed my posing and walk - kind of like game film. I took note of what foods were helping me lean out and what worked. When my original first show in July 2015 rolled around, I was even more prepared.